Mints By Kim Podcast - Being Me Daily
Aug. 8, 2024

Confidence Looks Like This

Confidence Looks Like This

Confidence looks like this. Confidence is connected to your belief system. You behave from the measure of what you believe. For example, when you believe you're a great speaker you'll speak confidently. Even when you're not fully clear about the specifics of a topic, you're able to confidently convey that you don't have the entire information. On the other hand, not being confident creates another scenario. For instance, if you played on a basketball team and you believed you weren't good enough, your performance would more than likely portray exactly what you believed. 'I'm not good enough'. However, it would be your responsibility to:

  1. Help yourself to trust yourself.
  2. Trust yourself to embrace whatever your truth is. Not so good, good, not so great, or great. You decide.
  3. Trust yourself to do what's required as your next step for your next level. Meaning, do what's better for you that will also result in you being better with them, your team.
  4. Build upon that in the best way it would serve you and also add your value with them. 

These are mere examples, but you can use these same principles for your own scenarios. All in all, know this. Your confidence is connected to your belief system so check in with what you believe, be honest with yourself about what's really going on, and trust yourself during this process to get everything figured out.

Remember, be confident about what you know and what you don't know because this allows you to be at ease about what you know, while also being open to find out more about what you don't know. Either way, you get to be confident by being honest with yourself, keeping in mind that it's all about you building you up.

Your next step is to put this into action and live more at ease. See how that works? Here's a brief motion video to show you 'Confidence Looks Like This'.

Be true to you, daily.

Being Me Daily,

Kim C. 

P.S. This aligns with Podcast Season 4 Episode 1. Click and learn more about 'Embracing All of Me As My Authenticity..."