Mints By Kim Podcast - Being Me Daily


Digital Products for Purchase
Embracing All of Me as My Authenticity

Embracing All of Me as My Authenticity

This independent program guides you from the introduction of you to the emergence of you. You've been hindering yourself by suppressing who you are, often times abandoning your voice, and some of your best ideas. Being unsure about how to fix things leaves you discouraged. It's time to recover yourself and subscribe to your release party. Become more acquainted with who's living on the inside.

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Putting My Pieces Together Ebook/Workbook Guide Discovering, Implementing Life Changing Skillsets Developed from People Pleasing

This digital E-Book is designed to show you how to optimize your blind spots, adapt a renewed perspective, and to see the importance of repositioning and leveraging yourself for life-changing transformations. You developed assets that you probably haven't even given yourself credit for yet. Your countless accommodations for others have equipped you with beneficial skillsets. Be deliberate about building upon your self-discoveries and enjoy being your own architect of your life for the rest of your days.
