Mints By Kim Podcast - Being Me Daily

Being the Vision

Personal growth is experienced when you decide to activate your urgency for being all of your greatest possibilities. This vulnerable space was curated for me to journal the journey, show you what dreams look like from the inception to realization, and invite you to share this experience. Often, our procrastinations, hesitations, and apprehensions paralyze our executions, so we must give grace for our expansion. Ultimately, living a lifestyle of fulfilled dreams.

My personal growing pains will be shared from the highlighted topics on my banner: Dreamer, Author, Journaler, Podcaster, Blogger, Dancer, and Speaker. Visionary isn't listed, yet it's the reason for me making all of this happen. 

With me prioritizing being better, I'm showing the importance of me being the requirement and doing what's required in my own pace, on my own terms. I'm growing in front of you and with you, having opportunities to connect with you as an added bonus for me. *******************************************************************************************************************************************



Do you need a space to get away from everything else? Are you ready to be nurtured, not judged? Consider being embraced within a 'Paying and Playing' online community. Your space to reciprocate and grow. Yes, it's absolutely being risky, but so are each one of your societal interactions. You won't ever have an 100% guarantee for knowing what each outcome will be. Even when you're extremely familiar with a person, place or thing, there will always be an opportunity where you'll experience something you didn't anticipate. However, prepping yourself to be better on your journey, positions you to live a fulfilling lifestyle.

Your paid subscription says yes, "I'm committed" to being part of a new and vibrant community, where expressing and realizing our possibilities are inevitable for personal growth.  Private access to the 'being me daily' atmosphere. Prioritize your thoughts and lay them as seeds for your growth journey. I'll start with my respectable comments of transparency regarding the topics on my banner. You'll engage with your feedback of respectable comments, while also engaging with topics relating to your real-life experiences (possibly totally different from mine). Winnings, shortcomings, growth and being sustained are core elements for this platform. Within this 'no judgment' zone, we're betting on us, having takeaway moments to be uplifted, and to activate our urgency for personal growth.

Everything has not been totally figured out, on purpose. I'm expecting an organic surge for this community, but I need to find out where your interest will lead you.  How ready are you to release those fantastic ideas that are waiting to be birthed? Share them with a community of nurturer's who are ready for collective releases. Imagine that. 

Your next step, text or email 'Being the Vision' to 716-806-5455, Kimis@beingmedaily.com, or Info@kimenhances.com. I'll add you to my list and you'll be updated about what will happen next.



Kim F. Costner is the Dreamer

"Being the 'Dreamer' always allows me to see who I'm being, even when I haven't actually lived it out yet. The visualization becomes real for me, and I have to see it through. When I dream it, I know it's meant for me. It can be a 'daydream' or a 'night dream'. Either way, it's my dream."

I'm currently dreaming about building out this platform to represent my 'being me daily' vibe. I'm showing me as a multidimensional woman with a depth of multiple colorful paths within me, eager to be creatively exposed, serving me and other people like me. I'm doing this for the one who sees your dreams, but experiencing real-life situations left you frustrated as if you won't accomplish what you envisioned. I'm doing this for the one who's ready to be the requirement, and serious about doing what's required. I'm doing this for the one who's willing to take on alternative perspectives and receive alternative outcomes and living better because of it. 

Seeing how all of this develops excites me because there was a time when I didn't have a platform, and now I do. I started something that I'm able to build upon, and that's exactly what I'm here to do.

Until the next time, be true to you, daily.

Grateful Kim is Being Vulnerable and Courageous at Beingmedaily.com

Kim C. 9/2/24



Kim F. Costner is an Author                Enhancing Me So I Can Shine - Personal Awareness E-book     


"Being the 'Author' reminds me that I'm able to write. I needed to go beyond being able though. I had to become willing, deliberate, focused, disciplined and all the things for me to actually make 'it' happen. Writing it, completing it, and positioning it on platforms to sell it. And voila, my E-book Enhancing Me So I Can Shine: Deciding to Live With a Better Me is available on Amazon and my Shopify website Kimenhances.com."

This is what I learned, I'm not great at marketing. Just because I wrote my E-book and made it available to sell, doesn't mean it's going to get sales without me pushing it. I knew this, but I didn't do this (push and push and push it). With me being the 'beingmedaily.com' girl (woman), I need to be honest when I tell you, my book has made very minimal sales. You can learn from my shortcomings, and I have plenty for you to learn from.

My E-book was published on April 12, 2020, during the height of our COVID-19 pandemic. This is also the timeframe when I was about to be laid off (later in the month of April) from my Office Manager/Intake Coordinator position. Even with me having a full-time job, I had aspirations of writing a book, and I was adamant about seeing this through. So, I did. 

Here I am four+ years later, and I'm deciding (like right now in this moment) to push my book. Yep, I'm doing it. You want to know why? With me knowing this is the first book I wrote, it's four+ years old, and it's not currently a best seller, I still believe in my book. The content is practical and relevant. You learn how to navigate your real-life challenges. You see how shifting your mind flow means getting life changing outcomes from the simplicity of taking on alternative perspectives. Guess what? I knew this E-book had lifelong learning material, so I purchased my own copy for myself back then. Here's a snippet of my Amazon purchasing screen shot (see below).

Amazon Purchase Image of E-book

I'm all in with knowing investing in yourself is crucial. You are your ROI (Return on Investment). Think about it. If you don't believe in you, trust you, be the you that you envisioned, or do what it takes to make it happen, you'll get exactly what you invested in, FRUSTRATION.

Let me take this a step further since I'm already out here stepping up my marketing game, betting on myself, and simply showing you my vulnerability because that's really what this space is all about. Here's my E-book with links for you to click and purchase. You get to choose my Shopify website - Kimenhances.com or Amazon.com

Enhancing Me So I Can Shine E-book for Personal Awareness

See what I just did? I shared my real-life story, and I made you aware of how you can purchase my E-book. It's not always easy to do simplicity, but I'm subscribed to it.

Are you ready to recapture your vision and be who you envisioned? Click link to learn more https://beingmedaily-com.ck.page/d67d9d522f

In the meantime, and until the next time, be true to you, daily.

Grateful Kim is Being Vulnerable and Courageous at Beingmedaily.com

Kim C. - 9/7/2024



I am a 'Journaler' who's been writing my thoughts down for at least fifty + years. I always liked being the one who took the notes whenever I was a part of a childhood club or group. If we needed to remember what we talked about or what ideas we came up with during our meetings, I was the one who was eager to look back and recall from the notes that I had taken. This probably had a lot to do with me becoming a Journaler throughout my years of transition. 

Journaling has so many benefits. When you look back over your writings, it provides you with pictures and vivid memories from so many eras of your lifetime. You're literally reminded of what you were thinking and experiencing during different times in your life. Coming across discussions you had or feelings you felt in times past, puts you back in that place for a moment. Sometimes you're reminded of loved ones that are no longer physically present, yet you're able to cherish your memories of them. Journaling is a great resource for reminding you of how precious life really is, and how important it is to cherish your people and your moments in real-time.

As a progression, journaling is great for capturing your intentions. When you decide to be and do, journaling is a willing participant to partner with, for capturing your moments of achievement. Reading about those moments are actual and factual gratifying sums of fulfillment that you get to live with for the rest of your days. 

Until the next time, be true to you, daily.

Grateful Kim is Being Vulnerable and Courageous at Beingmedaily.com

Kim C. 9/13/24